Athletes, just a few things. First of all, please make sure to RSVP for our first ever formal Party this weekend. If you did not get the invite via Facebook, please give Coach Mary a call or shoot her a text letting her know that you will be attending. This is so that we have enough food.
Second, The Crossfit Open is right around the corner. Please be sure to sign up and take your fitness to the next level. If you do not know what the Open is all about, just google “Crossfit Open” for more information and keep an eye out in your email for our newsletter with more info on it.
Here are the links to register.
Sign up here —–>
NSX page —–>
Affiliate name: Natural Selection CrossFit
Team name: NSXFit
14 Minute EMOM of:
Even Minute: 8 Alt. Pistols + 4 Burpees
Odd Minute: 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 + 4 Burpees