Athletes, the Everyday Worrier WODs are posted on the website. I will be running the WODs as the daily WOD on Wednesday’s and then I will be doing it again on Saturday’s (not this Saturday) at 10am for everyone who wants to come out and run it as a group and cheer each other on. If you have any questions please shoot me an email/text or give me a call.
Coach Leo
5×3 Sotts Press, work up to a moderately heavy weight.
13 Minute AMRAP of An Ascending Ladder (add 5,3,1) of:
5 Double Unders
3 Wallballs 20/14 @ 10/9
1 Muscle-Ups
Note: each round you will add 5 reps to the double unders, 3 reps to the wallballs and 1 rep to the muscle ups. Get as far as you can in 13 minutes.