11.20.15 WOD
Warm-Up: Coaches Choice Oly Strength 10-4: Snatch- 70% 2×2, 75% 1×3 Snatch Push Press – 80% 3×3 WOD: 16 Minute EMOM of: Even: 60′ Bear Crawl Odd: 25 KB Swings 53/35
Warm-Up: Coaches Choice Oly Strength 10-4: Snatch- 70% 2×2, 75% 1×3 Snatch Push Press – 80% 3×3 WOD: 16 Minute EMOM of: Even: 60′ Bear Crawl Odd: 25 KB Swings 53/35
Warm-Up: Pass Throughs x10 Halos x10 Burgener Warm-Up x3 (PVC) Skills Transfer x3 (PVC) Junk Yard Dog x10 (each) Oly Strength 11-1: Snatch – 75%x2x5 Jerk – 84%x3x2, 84%x2x3 WOD: 13 Minute AMRAP (reps) of: Max Effort Hang Clean & Jerk 115/80 Every time You Drop 100 M. Run
Athletes, tomorrow (Nov. 25th) we will be running a Birthday WOD in honor of a fellow fallen crossfitter, Cindy Archibald. Please wear your warrior mom shirts or everyday warrior shirts to show your support. Coach Leo Warm-Up: Coaches Choice Oly Strength 11-2: Snatch Balance – 3×4 @83% Muscle Snatch – 2×4 @80% WOD: For max calories […]
Athletes, don’t forget that we are closed Thursday and have holiday hours on Friday. Check Mindbody to see the available times. Coach Leo Cindy’s Birthday WOD: 4 Rounds for time of: 5 Front Squats 165/110 10 Knees to Elbows 5 Deadlifts 165/110 10 Toes to Bar 5 Jerks 165/95 10 Ring Dips Every 3 minutes […]
Do NOT miss out on our annual NSX Black Friday Sale! This only happens once a year and is good until Sunday (29th) at 11:59pm only. 20% off memberships for new and existing members, paid in full today. Pay for a minimum of two months and maximum six months as long as you pay 100% […]
Athletes, our oly cycle has come to an end. This week is a “rest” week, before we hit our 1 rep maxes for a few different lifts. We will be doing our 1 rep maxes starting on 12.9.15. If you are going to be out of town, let your coaches know so that you can […]
WOD: 2 Rounds for time of: 10-8-6-4-2 Thrusters 25-20-15-10-5 Sit-Ups Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Athletes, here is the schedule for the Holiday Season. Thanksgiving Day Nov. 26th – Closed Nov. 27th – 8am Class, 9am Class, 10am open Gym Saturday Nov. 28th – Regular Schedule Christmas Eve Dec. 24th – 8am Class, 9am Class, 10am open Gym Christmas Day Dec. 25th – Closed Saturday Dec. 26th – 8am Class, 9am Class, […]
WOD: 31 Minute AMRAP of: 31 Wall Runs 31 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 31 Overhead Squats 95/65 19 Pull-Ups 84 Sit-Ups
Warm-Up: 7 Minutes of shoulder mobility Then 7 Minutes of accuracy work Oly Strength 10-3: Clean & Jerk – 2×2@70%, 1×3@75% Mid-Hang Snatch High-Pull – 4×3@60% WOD: 2 Rounds for time of: 40 Mountain Climbers 20 V-Ups 40 Squat Jumps 20 Barbell Sit-Ups 45/35 Demo