5.24.16 WOD
Strength: 10 Minutes to establish a 1RM Power Snatch. WOD: 3 Rounds For Time 7 Power Snatch@ 135/95 7 Overhead Squat@135/95 400 Meter Run
Strength: 10 Minutes to establish a 1RM Power Snatch. WOD: 3 Rounds For Time 7 Power Snatch@ 135/95 7 Overhead Squat@135/95 400 Meter Run
WOD: For Time 14 Pistols 15 Squat Clean@135/95 50 Double Under Rest 1 Minute. 14 Pistols 12 Squat Clean@155/110 75 Double Under Rest 1 Minute. 14 Pistols 9 Squat Clean@185/130 100 Double Under *25 Minute Cap.
Skill: 15 Minutes Kipping progression and Muscle-Up technique. WOD: For Time 5-4-3-2-1 Muscle-Up Deadlift@315/225 15 Minute cap. *If you are an athlete that needs to work on strength in order to do a Muscle-Up, scale with 3X the reps for both Ring Row & Ring Dip. If you’re someone who has the strength and not […]
For Time: Run 200m Rest 1 Minute. Run 400m Rest 2 Minutes. Run 800m Rest 3 Minutes. Run 1 Mile
Memorial Day Murph For Time: 1 Mile Run 100 Pull-Ups 200 Push-Ups 300 Squats 1 Mile Run *If you have a 20# weighted vest, wear it!
WOD: 15 Minutes to establish 1RM Clean & Jerk Then 15 Minute Clean Complex EMOM @60% Power Clean+Squat Clean+Hang Squat Clean+Jerk
24 Minute Alternating EMOM: 1: 30 Double Under 2: 200m Row 3: 5 Hang Squat Snatch @115/85 4: 13 Kettlebell Swing @53/35 5: 5 Inverted Burpees Demo 6: 10 Strict Ring Dip
Strength: Max Reps Strict Pull-up Rest 2 Minutes. Max Reps Kipping Pull-up WOD : 20 Min. AMRAP Ascending ladder (As high as possible) 1-2-3-4-5-6….. Handstand Push-ups Chest to Bar Pull-up Box Jump@24″/20″
Strength: (Deload week) Strict press 3×5@40%,50%,60% 10 minutes. WOD: For Time 21-15-9 Power Cleans@135/95 42-30-18 Wall-Balls@20/14 & 10’/9′ *200m Run every time you break on Wall-Balls.
Strength: (Deload Week) Front Squat 3×5@40%,50%,60% 10 Minutes. WOD: Alternating EMOM- 20 Minutes. 1- 12 Toe to Bar 2- 15 Kettlebell Swing@53/35 3- Max reps Front Squat@155/105 4- 10 Bar facing burpee 5- 200/150m Row Score= Total Front Squats.