9.14.17 WOD
3 rounds for time: Seated Sled Pulls 225 /155 (1 length of gym) 4- 50m Shuttle Sprints 10 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time: Seated Sled Pulls 225 /155 (1 length of gym) 4- 50m Shuttle Sprints 10 Ring Dips
Strength Back Squat 6×2, Front Squat 6×3, Back Squat 6×2 25-21-19 reps (or seconds): GHD Sit-Ups (reps) Hip Extensions (reps) L-Sit Holds (seconds) Plank Holds (seconds) 15 min cap.
Athletes, this week is throwback week. Have fun and try to push on these wods and get faster times then last time. 9/11 WOD: for time 9 Hand Release Push-Ups (represents the month) 11 Weighted Overhead Walking Lunges 45/35 (represents the day) 20 Sit-Ups (20 and 01 represent the year) 01 mile run 110 Step Ups […]
9-15-21 For time: DumbBell Snatch 50/35 Cal Row 15 Min time cap
Strength: Deadlift 1×20, 3×10 (+10-20# from last week) Then For time: 2K Row
Strength: Back Squat 6×6@80%, Front 6×2@65% Then 3 Rounds for time: 400m run 1 min ME Double Unders
10 Minute AMRAP of: 10 Handstand Push-Ups 10 Power Clean 155/105
Strength Deadlifts 1×20, 3×10 (+10-20# to last week) 21-15-9 for time: Clean and Jerks 145/110 Assault bike or rower cal If assault bike are available use them first.
Strength Bench Press 6×4 reps @ 85% of 1RM 6×5 reps @ 80% of 1RM Then 4 rounds for time: Run 200m or Row 250m 10 Inch Worms 20 Hollow Rocks 30 Supermans 40 Mountain Climbers 50 Jumping Jacks
Athletes, some of you may know that the Team Series is going on right now and here is a fun little WOD from week 1. For time: 50 WallBalls 20/14 @10/9′ 15 Cleans, 135/95 50 WallBalls 20/14 @10/9′ 10 Cleans, 185/135 50 WallBalls 20/14 @10/9′ 5 Cleans 225/155 16 Minute time cap.