11.13.17 WOD
For Time: 3-2-1-2-3 Rope Climb 10 Backrack Backward Lunges (w/rack) 135/95 15 minute cap.
For Time: 3-2-1-2-3 Rope Climb 10 Backrack Backward Lunges (w/rack) 135/95 15 minute cap.
3 Rounds for time of: 50 Double Unders 15 Handstand Push-Ups 50 Double Unders 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Minute AMRAP of: 10 GHD Sit-ups 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 30 Mountain Climbers
Establish a 1 Rep Max: Split Jerk
15 Minute EMOM of: 10 Box Jumps 30/24 10 Burpees 3 Strict Muscle-Up
3 Rounds For time of: 21 Toes to Bar 15 Deadlift 155/110 9 Squat Clean 155/110 (One bar, one load)
16 Minute AMRAP of: 20 Double Unders 2 Rope Climbs 10 Back Squats 185/130
Partner WOD For time of: 40 Ground to Overhead 135/95 600m Run w/20/14 Medball 40 Partner Sit-Ups w/20/14 Medball 30 Ground to Overhead 135/95 400m Run w/20/14 Medball 30 Partner Sit-Ups w/20/14 Medball 20 Ground to Overhead 135/95 200m Run w/20/14 Medball 20 Partner Sit-Ups w/20/14 Medball 10 Ground to Overhead 135/95 100m Run w/20/14 Medball 10 Partner […]
For Time: 20 Good Mornings 95/65 30 Shoulder press 95/65 40 Hip Extensions 20 Push Press 115/85 60 Supermans 10 Push Jerk 135/95
Partner WOD Complete the following together for time: 3 Mile Run (broken up between both partners) 3000 M Rower (broken up between both partners) 300 D/U ‘ s (broken up between both partners) 25 Min Cap. Start anywhere, but complete one movement before moving to another. Athletes can work at the same time, but only […]