Lurong athletes, you have until the 21st to get your WOD 1 judged and submitted. We will not be judging on the 21st, so make sure you get in before then to get it done. We will be judging WOD 1, Measuring and getting weights at the following times.
Tuesday to Friday – 1:30-5:30pm If you can not make these times get with Coach Leo or Coach Mary to schedule a different time. We have the Team Series also going on so please try to get in during the times that we have available.
10 Pass Throughs
10 Halos
10 Over head Squats (w/BB)
20 Sotts Press (w/BB)
250m Sprint
Oly Strength 1-2:
Power Clean + Clean – 60%x (1+2) x 2, 65%x (1+2) x 2 (% of power clean)
Snatch Balance – 60%x3x4 (% from Snatch)
Push Press – 70%x5x4
Muscle Snatch – 50%x4, 55%x4, 60%x3x2 (% from snatch)
4 Rounds for time of:
100m Sprint
10 Box Jumps 24/20
10 KB Swings 53/35
10 Minute time cap. (Elite athletes 5 minutes)