No words can be spoken about what happened to our country, family and friends on 9.11.2001 Today we pay tribute to those who were effected by this tragic event and to those who lost their loved ones.
9/11 WOD: For time:
9 Hand Release Push-Ups
11 weighted Overhead Walking Lungs 45/35
20 Sit-Ups
01 Mile Run
110 Step-Ups 24/20″
100m Bear Crawls
100m Sled Drag (sled is behind you.) 116/81
9 repersents the month
11 represents the day
20 and 01 represent the year
110 represent the number of floors in the twin towers
100 represent the long hours spent looking for victims under the rubble.
The sled weight represents the grief, that we as a nation, carry on our shoulders from this attack on our country.
When your going through this WOD remember why your pushing yourselves.