Natural Selection CrossFit was established on August 1st, 2010.
This little hole in the wall started with 3 dudes wanting to hang out and lift weights. Coach Trevor White, Aaron Clem and Eric Gough were the three brains behind this operation.
Natural Selection CrossFit started in this little 900sqft area in a martial arts studio. Coach Leo came to the scene in October of 2010. Just short of Coach Leo arriving he took the reigns of NSXFit (Natural Selection CrossFit) and short after that he made changes to the way things ran and about a year later he made some big changes to where they were ran.
We moved to a bigger and better location. Our second location was over twice as big, with office space and all the bells and whistles. This was our first location that was considered our own. This location made some very important memories to our Box.
This location was located on Destchutes and Kellogg. At this location we held some fundraisers for the first time along with hosting our very first CrossFit Open. Having more space to host events helped make out community much stronger.
After about 2 years in this location, we were bursting at the seams. We needed to look in to moving in to a bigger location. Coach Leo found a location that was twice the size of our current one, but it needed quite a bit of work.
The deal that NSXFit was getting on this building was unreal. Something that could not be passed. The work this place needed was the one thing that the landlord said was on us. So at this point the NSXFit community came together to help create our 3rd location. This location was located on W. Kennewick Ave. right behind Lucky’s Flower shop.
This location was also the very important to our growth because we start hosting our very own Atomic Throw down Competition.
After a few events that we held, Memorial Day Murph being one, our neighbors started to not enjoy our company next door, due to many reasons ranging from loud noise, weights dropping and the walls shacking. At this point we changes things around to try and make our neighbors happy. Nothing worked. We were blessed with an amazing landlord, that he offered to build us our 4th and current locations.
Our current location is so far our best locations. This location is equipped with 8200sqft of space, 4500sqft of workout space equipped with Rogue fitness equipment, 4 showers, full kids room, front office space and our amazing CrossFit Kids area. We are still continuing to grow and might need to move to a bigger location soon, but for now this building is making sure that everyone gets the health, fitness and coaching they deserve.