1.31.18 WOD

January 30, 2018

Athletes, a few things to share. First I want to apologize for wordpress and the wods not posting right at 8pm, like I have them scheduled to do. WordPress is letting us down.

Second, if you have not yet done so, make sure to sign up for the CrossFit Open. The open is a great way to test your fitness and it is way to much fun to miss out on. Our affiliate is Natural Selection CrossFit, our team is NSXFit. It cost 20 bucks to do this Competition, but it is a in house competition. Here is the link to sign up.
CrossFit registration

Third, this is for the ladies. Don’t forget about our “Girls do the girls WOD” This takes place on February, 16 at 6pm. This is a great way to meet some people that you haven’t met yet.

Last, but not least, we are starting our next Zone Diet Challenge. It begins on February, 5th and ends on April, 2nd. This is an 8 week challenge. 25 bucks to enter and top male and female will split the cash prize. Contact Coach Mary to get on this. 509-528-6544 or Mary@NSCrossFit.com We also have a FB page where athlete who are doing the challenge share meals and other great things. Here is the link.

For time:
Handstand Push-Ups

1 Legless rope climb after every round.