10.1.15 WOD

September 30, 2015

14 Pass Throughs
14 Halos
Burgener Warm-Up x3
Skills Transfer x3
Junk Yard Dog x7 (each)

Oly Strength 3-4:
3-Position Snatch – 70%x1x2, 75%x1x3 (% of Snatch)
Snatch Pull – 93%x5x5
Snatch Push Press – 75%x5x5
Good Morning – 27%x8x3 (% of Back Squat)

8 Minute EMOM (every :30) of:
13 Kettlebell Swings (first 30)
14 Goblet Squats (second 30)

For each round not completed, you will acquire a 5 burpee penalty at the end of the EMOM. 40 possible burpees are on the line.