10.15.15 WOD

October 14, 2015

18 Pass Throughs
18 Halos
Burgener Warm-Up x2 (BB)
Skills Transfer x2 (BB)
Junk Yard Dog x9 (each)

Oly Strength 5-3:
3-Position Clean – 78%x1x5
Power Jerk + Jerk – 78% x (1+1) x 5
Snatch Deadlift – 105%x5x5
Front Squat – 80%x4x3, 85%x4x2

Skill WOD:
Take the rest of the class time to work on any of these. If you didn’t get a chance to check out any of the videos in the links below, check them out and put them in to effect.

Front rack mobility
Hip mobility
Ankle mobility

Shoulder stability 
Midline stability
Hip stability