Monthly Archives: May 2016

5.2.16 WOD

Strength: (Deload week)-Backsquat 3×5@40%,50%,60% 10 Mins. WOD: “Angie” For Time: 100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats. *25 Minute cap.

5.19.16 WOD

Partner WOD: For Combined Reps. 00:00-3:00 Cash-In: Max Reps Unbroken Wall-Balls@20/14 3:00-11:00 AMRAP: Partner 1: 200m Run Partner 2: Max Reps Kettle Bell Swing @72/53 11:00-12:00 – Rest 12:00 – Cash-Out: Max Reps Unbroken Wall-Balls@20/14 *On cash-in and cash-out each partner gets 1 attempt to get as many unbroken wall-balls as possible. As soon as […]