Monthly Archives: August 2017

9.1.17 WOD

Strength Deadlift 3×10 Add 10-20# on to last weeks weight. Then Teams of 3, 12 Minute AMRAP of: Fireman carry 50m ME Overhead Walk Lunges 45/35 plate One teammate carries the other teammate, while the third performs max effort lunges with a 45lbs plate overhead. The score is the number of lunges accomplished. The lunges […]

8.31.17 WOD

Surprise WOD!!!!! It is a good one. Come in and check it out.

8.30.17 WOD

Strength Back Squat 6×4 @80% BS, Front Squat 6×2 @ 70% BS Then 4 Rounds for time: 200m Run 10 Knees to Elbow 10 Push Jerks 135/95 (No rack) 16 min time cap

8.29.17 WOD

3 Rounds for time: 17 Cal. Assault bike 15 Pull-Ups Connect the pull-ups and go fast. Every time you fall off the pull-up bar it’s 10 burpees to be performed at the end of the workout. (24 Cals on the rower if no ass bikes are available, but priority is ass bikes)

8.28.17 WOD

Strength Bench 6×2 reps @80% of 1RM, 6×5 reps @85% of 1RM Then 15 min AMRAP for total meters ran: 800m run 80 double unders 400m run 40 double unders 200m run 20 double unders 100m run 10 double unders

8.25.17 WOD

Strength Deadlift 1×20, 3×10 @ 50% of 1RM Then For time: 100 squats 100 situps 100 push ups 100 pullups 18 minute time cap.

8.2.17 WOD

3 Rounds for time: 1 Strict Pull-Up 15 Russian KB Swings 53/35 2 Strict Pull-Up 25 Russian KB Swings 53/35 3 Strict Pull-Up 35 Russian KB Swings 53/35

8.3.17 WOD

15 Minute AMRAP of: 9 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 12 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Cal Row or 13 Cal Assault Bike

8.4.17 WOD

For time: 800m Run 1 Rope Climb 400m Run 2 Rope Climbs 200m Run 3 Rope Climbs 100m Run 4 Rope Climbs

8.7.17 WOD

4 Rounds for time:  400m Run 25 WallBalls 20/14 @ 10/9′ 25 Jumping Lunges