Monthly Archives: August 2016

8.23.16 WOD

WOD: 15 minute AMRAP of 30 Double Unders 15 Toes to Bar 10 Deadlifts 115/80 5 Snatches 115/80 Note: Your goal today is to go UNBROKEN!  If you take breaks take them between movements and make them fast breaks 1, 3 or 5 count.

8.24.16 WOD

WOD: For time 200 Burpees

8.25.16 WOD

WOD: For time 20 Back Squats 225/160 400m Run 30 Front Squats 185/130 800m Run 40 Overhead Squats 135/95 1200m Run Note: Weight should be heavy, but doable in just a few sets. Try to push and make it as low sets as possible. Try to have this done around 22 minutes or less.