5.5.16 WOD
Strength: (Deload Week) Deadlift 3×5@40%,50%,60% 10 Minutes. WOD: For time 15-12-9-6-3 Burpee box jump over@ 30″/24″ Deadlift@ 225/155
Strength: (Deload Week) Deadlift 3×5@40%,50%,60% 10 Minutes. WOD: For time 15-12-9-6-3 Burpee box jump over@ 30″/24″ Deadlift@ 225/155
Strength: (Deload Week) Bench Press 3×5@40%,50%,60% 10 Minutes. Partner WOD: For time Buy in- 800m Run 5x300m Sprint on rower Cash out- 800m Run *Partners must do both runs together and 1 Partner rests while other rows-both row 5 sets of 300m.
Strength: 15 Minutes to establish 1RM Front Squat. WOD: For Time 30 Squat clean and jerk@135/95
Strength: 15 Minutes to establish 1RM Strict Press. WOD: 16 Minute alternating EMOM 1- 150m Sprint 2- 1 Round of “Cindy” (5 Pull-up,10 Push-up, 15 Squat) *If you are unable to complete 1 round of Cindy in 1 minute, scale to 3/6/9
Athletes, just a heads up so you can mark your calendars, the box will be closed all day Friday May 20th and Saturday May 21st so our coaches can attend the 2016 CrossFit Regionals in Portland, along with several of our members! We would love for you to join us to cheer on our amazing […]
Strength: 15 Minutes to establish 1RM Deadlift WOD: For Time 20 Thrusters@95/65 20 Sumo deadlift high-pull@95/65 20 Push jerk@95/65 20 Overhead squat@95/65 20 Front squat@95/65 4 Burpees every minute on the minute, including the beginning of the WOD.
Strength: 15 Minutes to establish 1RM Bench Press WOD: For time 100ft Walking lunge 50 Air Squat 100ft Walking lunge 40 Push-up 100ft Walking lunge 30 Toe to bar 100ft Walking lunge 20 Chest to bar pull-up 100ft Walking lunge 10 Handstand Push-up (Beginners scale HSPU with seated shoulder press) 20 minute time cap.
Hero WOD: “Jerry” For time: 1 Mile Run 2k Row 1 Mile Run
WOD: 2016 Regionals event 7 21 Thrusters@95/65 3 Legless rope climbs@9′ 15 Thrusters@95/65 2 Legless rope climbs@9′ 9 Thrusters@95/65 1 Legless rope climb@9′ 6 minute cap for elite athletes.
WOD: 3 Rounds For Total Reps 1 Minute Max Effort Stations 1: Burpees 2: Power Snatch@75/55 3: Box Jump@24/20 4: Push Press@75/55 5: Toe-to-Bar 1 Minute Rest.